Can This Be Possible? Here’s The Top 5 Poorest Cities In Montana.
Over the last few years, Montana has become one of those states of the has and has not. As the wealthy continue to flock here, it's caused home prices to skyrocket, which in turn has caused a whole lot of hard-working Montanans to struggle to make ends meet.
I was recently talking to a friend of mine that's in the real estate business and he told me that 7 years ago they were selling 3 bed/2 bath homes for 250 to 300 thousand dollars and today that's what a small piece of land to build a home is going for.
Throw in the fact that the cost of everything has increased and it's easy to see why folks aren't as comfortable as they once were.

Having said that, I was still taken aback when I ran across some information from Stacker talking about the poorest cities in Montana. For this study, a city is considered anything with a population of over 10 thousand people.
According to Stacker's data, here is a look at the Top 5 Poorest Cities in Montana.
The state's capitol comes in 5th for the poorest city in Montana. Some of the factors include the fact that over 20 percent of those under 18 years old are living in poverty. Helena has a median income of just over 61 thousand dollars a year.
Great Falls
Great Falls is another city that has a high percentage of under 18 living in poverty. While not as high as Helena, Great Falls still comes in at 18 percent in the category. On a positive note, home prices are still somewhat affordable, especially when compared to other cities on this list. Great Falls has a median income of just over 46 thousand dollars.
The once thriving city of Butte has fallen some hard times in the last few decades, however, things are on the rise. The city has several historic buildings and many of those are going through a transformation. According to the numbers, just over 17 percent of adults are living in poverty. Butte has a median income of just over 45 thousand dollars.
Home of the University of Montana, Missoula comes in 2nd for the poorest cities in Montana. Home and rent prices have increased significantly over the last few years, and with just over 17 percent of adults and 15 percent of those under 18 living in poverty, things have become difficult for many living in Missoula. Missoula has a median income of just over 47 thousand dollars.
Bozeman is the poorest city in Montana according to the research. At first, that seems ridiculous, but then when you drive around and see there are streets filled with people living in their cars and old RVs, you start to realize that it might not be too far-fetched. Out of all of the towns and cities across Montana, Bozeman has certainly seen the biggest jump in the cost of living over the last few years. With home and rental prices doubling and often tripling compared to other areas in the state, many Bozemanites struggle. Bozeman's median income is just over 55 thousand dollars a year.
A couple of other cities that were just outside of the Top 5 include Billings and Kalispell.
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