You Tell Me Montana. Doggy Daycare Or Amazing House Sitter?
It's clear, Montana is a dog loving state. Not only dogs though, almost all animals in general are loved here. Many people have more than one pet. Furbabies love "fur-siblings", so it definitely makes sense.
Here is a question for pet owners. Do you prefer doggy daycare or would you rather try and find a house sitter? I ask because I am currently house sitting, which involves two dogs, a cat, and a bearded dragon (which I made very clear I would not be letting sleep next to me).
I am here for a week which is nice because it will keep these babies all on routine. Food at normal times, in their normal spots, their familiar backyard with familiar sounds, and they are super chill. I don't want them to feel any anxiety with their family away.
Now I do understand the whole doggy daycare/boarding situation as well. They can play with other pets, get their energy out, and it's like a little vacay for them too. But how expensive would that be?? A week of boarding? That has to cost an arm and a leg.
What are your favorite doggy daycares in the area? I have friends that take their dogs to daycare everyday, I suppose it is like school and they don't have to be home for 8+ hours by themselves on a daily basis.
I am guessing it is hard to find someone responsible enough, trustworthy enough, and willing to stay at your place for the whole time you would be gone. Maybe that is the reason people would pay thousands to board their pets when they leave town?
I am pretty sure this could be my career (obviously my second career), chilling with pets, getting in all the snuggles and licks (and stares from the dragon). I could also just be blessed with the most well behaved pets EVER.
So I ask you again, if you had a good sitter would you take the "house sitter route" or would you still look at boarding your pets? Let me know on the XL Country App Chat. Also, just out of curiosity can you board your cats? Or no?