6 Ridiculous Driving Skills That Tell Me You Are Not From Montana
This might come as a surprise to some of you, but the traffic in and around the Bozeman area is steady day and night. Now, this increase comes with tourist season every year, but it also due to the fact that the town has grown so much that the roads are full.
Over the last month I have noticed a few things that scream "I'M NOT FROM MONTANA" while driving. Perhaps some of you have also noticed these things and can agree with me on this topic. How do I know they are not from the state? Well, for starters, their license plate tells me and secondly, there is no way that someone with the intelligence of a Montanan would do any of these.
6 Ridiculous Driving Skills That Tell Me You Are Not From Montana.
1. Blinking yellow arrow. I don't know if they have never seen one of these before, but I'm gonna help you out. If you are at a blinking yellow arrow, that does not mean that you can just floor it and go. No, this is intended to be treated like a yield sign. Meaning...you need to yield.
2. Crosswalk's are were people walk. I realize during the hustle and bustle of a big city, people typically only cross the road when the light tells them to walk. That's not how we do things here. If there are people standing at a crosswalk, in any part of the town, we stop and let them go. Not because a light told us we had to, but because we have common curtesy.
3. Tailgating. Not the kind at a Bobcat football game. I'm talking about riding as close to my bumper as you possibly can because you have literally zero patience. If the speed limit is 45 mph, you don't need to be so close to me that you can see my pupils.
I will be going between 45-48 mph, if you ride my bumper I will not go over the speed limit at all. The only people rushing to get to their favorite latte spot, are the ones who don't stop to smell the roses. Relax people, we don't need to race to the next red light.
4. U-turns. If you are making a U-turn at every intersection, I know you are not from here. My favorite is when the light on the corner of 7th and Oak is blinking the yellow arrow (refer to #1 to remind you what that means), and you hold up 10 cars trying to make a U-turn. That tells me you have no clue what you are doing or where you are going.
5. Roundabout. This convenient little thing it meant to help traffic flow. It is not a stop sign. Now obviously is someone is coming from your left, you will need to stop. As far and stopping to let the invisible driver on your left go, is not how these things work.
6. Winter driving. If everyone is in the right lane, going super slow, it's most likely because it is icy. We don't go 20 mph under the speed limit in the winter because it's fun, we do it because it's safe and the roads are most likely in terrible winter conditions.
If you are doing any of these 6 things, please please please, pull it together, stop and smell the roses, and be a better driver.