Three Forks Rodeo Cancelled for 2020
The Three Forks Rodeo announced on Wednesday that this year's rodeo is cancelled. Traditionally held in July, the rodeo had moved the event to August 28th & 29th hoping that Gallatin County would be in Phase 3 of the governor's COVID-19 directives.
The following statement was released by the Three Forks Rodeo:
With the unlikeliness of the state moving into Phase 3 prior to the rescheduled date of August 28th & 29th, the City Council of the City of Three Forks, the City Council of the City of Three Forks made a unanimous decision to cancel the 2020 Three Forks Rodeo.
In a fundraising effort to help offset the financial cost of the rodeo ground's new bleachers, the rodeo will launch an online raffle for a number of prizes, including a Henry Golden Boy .22 rife. More info on how to get a raffle ticket will be forthcoming.