When it comes to education, it seems that not all Montana schools are created equal. Let's take a look at the best and worst high schools across the state.
There's more than enough chatter about Montana newbies, but I had an extraordinary opportunity to pick the brains of teenagers who had moved to Montana in the last couple of years.
Let's take a trip down memory lane, regardless of your age. If you've lived in the Bozeman area most of your life or your entire life, what things do you remember most fondly? Better yet...are any of them still here?
Which High School is the best in the state of Montana? According to U.S. News and World Report, the best High School in Montana can be found in Gallatin County.
How many of you were one of those kids in the 1980s when movies like Footloose and Dirty Dancing were constantly on TV? I got a kick out of the fact that a bunch of high school kids in Bozeman apparently had to "cut footloose" and head to Big Timber, Montana for the big school dance.