In 2018 Montana ranked 4th in USA Today's the Drunkest States report. Therefore, it's no surprise that when it comes to the holidays Montanans have a drink in hand. But how often are Montanans drinking this Christmas?

An alcohol addiction rehabilitation resource,, conducted a new survey of over 3,000 legal drinkers. They found the following:

  • The average Montanan drinks for 4 days in a row over the holidays
  • 42% of surveyors say drinking is part of Christmas traditions
  • 1 in 3 give alcohol as gifts for Christmas
  • 25% spike their morning coffee during the holidays

So how does Montana compare to other states? Idaho and Washington drink for six days in a row. This is the longest time for any state.  Our neighboring states drink more at five days consecutively for Wyoming and North Dakota. South Dakota ranks even with us with four days of continuous drinking.

I'll admit that when it comes to Christmas time there are quite a few drinks that are traditional. I can't remember celebrating a Christmas in Montana without being offered a Tom & Jerry, which is an alternative to eggnog with brandy and rum that is served hot. It seems I am not alone with nearly half of surveyors also consider drinking at Christmas to be a family tradition.

In a year of extra challenges, increased stress, and anxiety levels Christmas could be a more challenging time of year and a licensed advanced alcohol and drug counselor said Brittney Morse stated

It’s important that people not use the pandemic or the holidays to justify excessive drinkingWe know that overindulgence in alcohol can start the process for bad habits and lead to unhealthy coping skills that could ultimately result in alcohol dependence. Now is a great time to establish new, healthy traditions that are not centered around the consumption of alcohol. This ensures every family member, even those in recovery, can enjoy the holiday traditions together.


2020 Belgreade Christmas Convoy

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