Is Montana The Best State To Be During A Nuclear Attack? Depends.
I grew up in the 80s. Ahh, those were the days, right? I mean, what a wonderful time to be a kid. It was the best of both worlds really, kids still went and played outside, drank from the water hose, and stayed out until the street lights came on. Plus, you had all the cutting-edge technology at the time.
Pac-Man, Mtv, parachute pants...oh, and Nuclear War.
For those unfamiliar with the history, back in those days the United States and the (former) Soviet Union didn't like each other all that much. In fact, there was a whole lot of talk about World War 3. They had a bunch of nuclear weapons and so did we. (for those of you looking to relieve those tense times through cinema, might I suggest watching the original Red Dawn AND Rocky 4)
Eventually, the 80s ended, the Soviet Union would collapse, the Berlin Wall would fall, and we would all shake hands and move on...until recently.
If you've spent any time watching the news or reading anything on social media you're fully aware of this whole Russia/Ukraine thing we have going on. Russia has invaded Ukraine and almost the entire world has condemned them for doing so. Oh and here's the kicker, Vladimir Putin has suggested that if anyone does anything to interfere with the invasion, we just might see a Nuclear War.
So that's where we are...once again.
While I think most folks probably don't believe in their heart of hearts that it will come to that, the fact that a world leader is threatening it should concern everyone. So, let's talk worst-case scenario here. If there was such an event, where would be the best place to be in that situation, and how would those of us here in Montana fare?
It doesn't look good.
According to, Montana is on the list for "high value" targets. In fact, according to the map on the website Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming are the three states with the "highest priority" targets.
The reason for this? All three states have Minute Men 3 ICBM bases located in them.
With that being said, I suppose there are a couple of ways to look at it. First, if it would ever come down to a nuclear war, Montana certainly wouldn't be the place to be to try and wait it out. By all accounts, there wouldn't be much left of our beloved Montana if we are to believe what some experts have said. Second, if living on some crazy post-nuclear planet doesn't seem appealing to you, then Montana might be the exact place you would want to be.
Either way, there are strange times we're living in. Strange times indeed.