Calling All Montanan’s. Now Is The Time To Give Back
IT'S FINALLY HERE! The live event we love doing every year that is beneficial for our entire community. November 10th, from 7 AM to 7 PM you will have the opportunity to donate to your fellow community members.
The Gallatin Valley Food Bank distributes 3 TONS OF FOOD EVERY DAY. Yes, you read that right. The number is constantly increasing which means the need for help in the valley is at a all time high.
The need for food in Gallatin Valley is constantly growing, our community relies on each other to take care of each other.
As we come together as a community, we are constantly showing how big our hearts are for the ones that surround us. Hunger doesn't discriminate and you just never know who is using the GVFB's services. It could be your teacher, your bus driver, your neighbor, or a coworker.
We don't want anyone to ever have to choose between paying the electric bill or feeding their family. The GVFB is here in our community, for our community and none of this is possible without the help of all of you.
Come by Town and Country Foods tomorrow and drop off any donations you may have, shop for a family, or bring in a monetary donation. There is not a gift too small when it comes to helping out our neighbors.
Yes, this is a competition between our rivals, Missoula, but ultimately there is no loser. Both communities will benefit from this annual Can The Griz food's just more fun when we can say we won.
CC: Gallatin Valley Food Bank, Town and Country Foods, Montana State University
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