Attorney General Knudsen Statement on Dismissal of Rocking R Bar Case
In response to the dismissal of the Rocking R Bar case in Gallatin County, Attorney General Austin Knudsen issued the following statement:
"It's a positive development that Gallatin County officials have reversed course and lifted the business hour restrictions. From the beginning, the 10 o'clock curfew defied commonsense, harmed small businesses, and infringed on Montanans' right to earn a living. No business should have ever been prosecuted for safely serving its customers. My office will continue to protect Montanans from egregious and bellicose actions by elected and unelected officials."
Unfortunately, the parties in this case still have the expense of this litigation diluting their bank accounts for this ridiculous charge.
What if this was your business? With court and legal fees heaped upon the small business owner plus the reduction of customers allowed in your business — at least a few small businesses would be forced to close their doors forever.
Aren't we supposed to be following the science? That's the latest buzz phrase making its way across social media. But it seems there's no definitive evidence that bars and restaurants are "super spreaders" of the Covid-19 virus.
Officials in various capacities seem to be experts at slamming the barn door long after the horses have left. Practicing pseudoscience does nothing for citizen safety.
Click here to view the order dismissing the case against the Rocking R Bar.
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