5 Things Montanans Do That People Think Are Super Strange
It's always fun to watch people's faces when we talk about all the things we consider "normal" here in Montana. Montana has a unique environment, so things that seem totally normal and logical to those that live here are completely unheard of to some visitors. Here are 5 things that Montanans do that non-locals think are strange.
1) It's 25 degrees out...and you need to do what?
We have fun mudding in the summer and hunting in the fall and winter, and until they shut car washes down, we will wash our cars and trucks all year long. Yes, even if the temperature is below freezing, we still go in and get the undercarriage clean and the snow and mud out of the tires.
We are not crazy, we just care about our vehicles...a lot. Not to mention, when a majority of the year is winter, you've just got to get out there and do what needs to be done, regardless of weather.
2) Wait...you eat WHAT?!?
Rocky Mountain Oysters are golden nuggets—they even have a festival revolving around them every year. The delicacy also makes its way onto some local menus throughout the state. What exactly is a Rocky Mountain Oyster? According to Wikipedia, a rocky mountain oyster is:
Rocky Mountain oysters or mountain oysters, or meat balls, also known as prairie oysters in Canada (French: animelles), is a dish made of bull testicles.- Wikipedia
3) Why is that hanging from your car?
No, I am not talking about fancy electric cars. Here in Montana, and throughout the midwest, you may see cars driving around with what looks like an extension cord hanging out of the hood of their car. This is common, I assure you. You may also see cars parked in with extension cords going from the car to the building. Again, this is very common.
People who are not from the area seem to think this is nuts and don't understand the whole deal. Well, we do this because it gets pretty cold here and our car batteries sometimes need a little extra juice as temperatures drop, especially with frigid wind-chills.
4) Are you really going to wear that?
Until the temperature hits under 25 degrees (sometimes colder) you will most likely catch at least a few people still wearing shorts. Not just to run into the gym for a workout either, you'll see it at the grocery store, the mall, or just pumping gas. We are survivors, even if it does look a bit ridiculous to the newbies of our state. We're just used to the cold.
5) Why are you late?
We have heard the old excuse, "My dog ate my homework." But when it comes to getting to work or school, you may hear the excuse, "There was a bear in my garbage," or "I had to wait for the elk to cross the road." These are legitimate excuses many Montanans will use and ARE ACTUALLY REAL.
While all these things seem ordinary to Montanans, it's pretty funny to take a step back and look at how odd our everyday practices are to those who grew up in completely different environments.
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