Are You Boring? Are You Fun-Loving & Carefree?
Almost all my friends read books. Constantly. They carry a book around with them, if they are in getting their oil changed, they are reading, going to a doctor or dentist appointment, they are reading. I don't read books like I should. I'm more of a magazine reader. I found this recent study though that says what you read reveals your personality. Here's what the study found:
- Romantic Novels -- You're sensual and extremely intuitive. You're also optimistic and quick to bounce back from disappointments.
- Biographies -- Inquisitive, cautious and ambitious, you investigate many options before making a decision.
- Detective Books -- You enjoy mental challenges. An excellent problem solves, you'll tackle problems most people wouldn't touch.
- Horror Stories -- Everyday life can be boring to you, so you seek excitement.
- Science Fiction -- Highly imaginative and creative, you are fascinated by technology and like to plan for the future.
- Westerns -- Extremely nostalgic and patriotic, you take pride in your self-reliance and go for the simple life.
- The Bible -- Honest and hardworking, you respect authority and find it easy to forgive people.
- Classics -- If you are well mannered, poised and gracious.
- History Books -- You're a productive person who dislikes small talk. You'd rather spend time on a constructive project than a party.
- Coffee Table Books -- If you prefer large, decorative books with color illustrations, you're an excellent host.
- Poetry -- a lover of nature and animals, you often get in touch with your feelings.
- Financial Magazines -- You are competitive and enjoy nothing more than outsmarting outer people.
- Women's Magazines -- You are determined to be come "superwoman," striving for excellence in everything you do.
- Fashion Magazines -- You are status conscious and you work hard to improve your social image.
- Tabloids -- Compassionate and upbeat, you're an entertaining conversationalist with a ready supply of fascinating facts, which make you a bit hit in the office and at parties.
- News Magazines and the Daily Newspaper -- If you like to read up on current events, you're a tough-minded realist who's receptive to new ideas.
- Comic Books -- Fun loving and carefree, you refuse to take life too seriously.