If you love books, and you love buying them at ridiculously low prices, be sure to check out the Bozeman Public Library Used Book Sale is this weekend.
You've probably heard the saying "A book is a gift you can open again and again." But how many of us really do that? Be honest with yourself, let someone else open that gift, and find some new gifts of your own!
The Bozeman Book Swap is Saturday, May 20th from 10 a...
I absolutely love Andy Cohen! Will you read his memoir??
Bravo host and behind-the-scenes executive Andy Cohen has signed a “low seven-figure” deal for his forthcoming memoir, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Almost all my friends read books. Constantly. They carry a book around with them, if they are in getting their oil changed, they are reading, going to a doctor or dentist appointment, they are reading. I don't read books like I should. I'm more of a magazine reader. I found this recent study though that says what you read reveals your personality. Here's what the study found:
Ever thought of doing something crazy or adventurous but never really followed through? If one of your ideas involves traveling the country or part of it on a motorcycle, you must read this. Here we have three books that will explain exactly why you should stop pondering with the idea and get out and do it.