You've probably heard the saying "A book is a gift you can open again and again." But how many of us really do that? Be honest with yourself, let someone else open that gift, and find some new gifts of your own!
The Bozeman Book Swap is Saturday, May 20th from 10 a...
I love books, I have been reading the heck out of them all my life. And then Kindle came along. Did I think I would like Kindle??? NO! I thought, I will always want a REAL book to hold in my hand. Until I figured out I could get free books, and the Kindle fit about a million of them in the space it would take to put ONE book...
So, you're thinking of catching up on some reading this summer? Well, you're not alone. has come out with its list of the most well-read cities in America. The website created its rankings by looking sales of books, magazines and newspapers in print and on the Kindle since January 1 of this year.
I love Tim Gunn from Project Runway! He has wrote one book - and is about to write another. Will you buy this new book?
TIM GUNN TO PENN NEW FASHION BOOK: According to People, Tim Gunn is working on a new book called The Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet...
Almost all my friends read books. Constantly. They carry a book around with them, if they are in getting their oil changed, they are reading, going to a doctor or dentist appointment, they are reading. I don't read books like I should. I'm more of a magazine reader. I found this recent study though that says what you read reveals your personality. Here's what the study found: