As you are out shopping for your kid's school supplies this year, there are ways you can help with the overall success of your child's classroom. #ClearTheList is a campaign that has been around for a little while and now Gallatin County is going to give it a try.

An abundant amount of teachers throughout the area and the US really, purchase a lot of their own supplies for students in their classrooms. Lots of students show up the first day without being able to fulfill their individual list. That is where teachers step up and have extra supplies on hand, which they have most likely purchased with their own money. As some of us may think this is not that big of a deal or "part of the job" it is not. Many families struggle, especially with multiple children, to purchase the long list of supplies needed to make the school year a success.

Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash
Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

Lauren Brendal, a Bozeman resident, saw the "ClearTheList" campaign on a social media platform and thought "what a great way to help these teachers." Brendal reached out to a few teachers in the community about the idea and got positive feedback from them regarding it, so she decided to give it a try. She is hoping this campaign will make the start of the school year a smooth and successful one for local teachers.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

You can either reach out to your kid's teacher via email or click here for a list of supplies that are needed.

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