Visit National Parks for Free This Weekend and Next
Did you know Yellowstone National Park was the first National Park created in the U.S.? You have a chance to visit it, and over 400 other National Parks, during "National Park Week," with free entry both this weekend and next (April 15-16, and April 22-23). It's a great opportunity to visit, and enjoy part of what makes this country so great, for free.
In Montana, you can visit:
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Glacier National Park
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Yellowstone National Park
Of the over 400 national parks in the U.S., 118 of them charge an entrance fee, and the rest are always free. The fee waiver includes entrance fees, commercial tour fees, and transportation entrance fees. However, normal fees range from $3-$30, making it economical to explore our national parks. There are also yearly and lifetime passes available for free, or for a very reasonable price.
Other free days for 2017 include:
August 25: National Park Service Birthday
September 30: National Public Lands Day
November 11-12: Veterans Day Weekend