If anyone remembers watching the show "Storage Wars", you will recall the drama...the yelling of "YUP', and the buyers getting crazy awesome deals. Sometimes their finds were worth thousands of dollars! Now the reality of actually winning a unit that has more than $27 worth of valuables in it, is highly unlikely. BUT, it could still be a great time!

Here is your chance to bid on a unit and maybe find a treasure. I went to the Storage Auction website to see if we had any units up for bidding within 200 miles of Bozeman and YES we do! Billings has a few for you to pick from, bid on, and possibly win. Now the odds are rather high at this point that you will win the unit because not many, if any at all, have even one dollar bid on them yet. So technically, if you put in a bid for $10 bucks and get a couple of chairs out of the deal, I would consider that a win!


In this unit, you can score yourself not only a car, but some tires, baby clothes, and what seems to be a couple of decent clothes hampers. I mean, those alone are like $10 bucks right?!


You could potentially bid and win this household set. It looks like a couch, dresser, coffee table, and a Christmas tree stand are up for grabs in this beauty. If you are into refurbishing, this legit could really be a score for you!


I personally think this unit could have a great return on it. You have what seems to be some construction tools (sander), golf clubs, shop vac, I mean just look, there is really some value in here.

If you want to check out the rest of the auction items click HERE. I am definitely going to putting in my bids! Hopefully, we are not yelling "YUP" against each other! Good Luck!

Bozeman's Fall To-Do List

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