With Thanksgiving on Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) last week offered new guidelines for the holiday, recommending that people not travel to family gatherings and limiting their numbers if they do.

Which brings us to our poll question: Has COVID Changed Your Thanksgiving Plans? Please answer below.

Here are a few of the recommendations that the CDC has issued for Thanksgiving.

The following people should not attend in-person holiday gatherings:

  • Anyone currently with COVID-19 or has symptoms of the virus.
  • Is waiting for the results of their COVID-19 test.
  • May have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Considerations for Hosting or Attending a Gathering:

  • Limit the number of attendees as much as possible to allow people from different households to remain at least 6 feet apart at all times.
  • Host outdoor rather than indoor gatherings as much as possible. Even outdoors, require guests to wear masks when not eating or drinking.
  • Require guests to wear masks. At gatherings that include persons of different households, everyone should always wear a mask that covers both the mouth and nose, except when eating or drinking. It is also important to stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not in your household at all times.
  • Encourage guests to avoid singing or shouting, especially indoors. Keep music levels down so people don’t have to shout or speak loudly to be heard.

Food and drinks at small holiday gatherings:

  • Encourage guests to bring food and drinks for themselves and for members of their own household only; avoid potluck-style gatherings.
  • Wear a mask while preparing food for or serving food to others who don’t live in your household.
  • Have one person who is wearing a mask serve all the food so that multiple people are not handling the serving utensils.

For complete list of CDC guidelines involving Thanksgiving, click here.

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