There are only a handful of current COVID-19 cases in Gallatin County, according to the Gallatin City-County Health Department. And while the county has seen the most cases (143) of coronavirus in Montana, we currently have only 4 active cases.

The state of Montana did register another death from the virus. Governor Bullock issued a statement regarding a COVID-19 death in Toole County. That brings the state total to 11 and it's the 5th coronavirus-related death for Toole Country, which has less than 5,000 people.

The governor also announced that 5,000 nasal swabs arrived to the state’s DPHHS warehouse from FEMA. The state will distribute the swabs to providers throughout Montana to be used for testing for COVID-19.

Here's the daily breakdown of COVID-19 cases for Gallatin County this month:

April 1: 79 cases (+5)

April 2: 93 cases (+14)

April 3: 101 cases (+8)

April 4: 109 cases (+8)

April 5: 115 cases (+6)

April 6: 118 cases (+3)

April 7: 119 cases (+1) *Based on changed reporting method

April 8: 120 cases (+1)

April 9: 128 cases (+8)

April 10: 134 cases (+6)

April 11: 135 cases (+1)

April 12: 138 cases (+3)

April 13: 138 cases (0)

April 14: 138 cases (0)

April 15: 139 cases (+1)

April 16: 141 cases (+2)

April 17: 142 cases (+1)

April 18: 142 cases (+0)

April 19: 143 cases (+1)

April 20: 143 cases (+0)

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