It has been more than 10 brutally long days for fur-baby mom, Aurora. Aurora has been on the search for her dog, Rooster (LOVE the name by the way) and is doing whatever she can to bring him home.

Rooster, seen below, has been missing since the 20th of August, and Aurora is doing her absolute best to stay hopeful. If anyone has ever had a pet go missing, you know how heart-wrenching it is. Now imagine it has been almost two weeks.

Aurora Needles
Aurora Needles

Rooster was last seen in the Missoula area, but as we all know, people are constantly traveling back and forth and if for some CRAZY reason, Rooster was taken or hitched a ride, he could be anywhere in the state.


Things to know about Rooster:

1. He is a bit skittish and I am sure he is also scared. So if you spot this little sweety, the best thing to do is take a picture, note your location, and reach out to either animal control OR his mom, Aurora. (406-207-1054, 406-544-4850)

Aurora Needles
Aurora Needles

2. He hasn't been seen since the 20th of August in the Missoula area.

Aurora Needles
Aurora Needles

3. He is clearly black and brown with a smile.

Aurora Needles
Aurora Needles

4. There is a reward of $1600 being offered for his safe return.

Aurora is asking the public if they know anything about the whereabouts of Rooster and that is where we come in to help. Most of us are lucky enough to have our pets found within the first few days, but this is not the case for Rooster, so let's come together to get him home.

His family is missing him dearly, as we all would in this situation. Prayers he is found safely!

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