Montana Town Hosts The Perfect Class For Our Favorite Seniors
We have all seen the Life Call commercial, if you haven't, you can refresh your brain below. We don't want out grandparents to ever have to have a device such as Life Call from just a small fall. There are preventative measures one can take to help prevent ordering a Life Call device.
More times than we would like to talk about, we have a loved one who we watch grow weak. It breaks our hearts. Luckily, there is an option to help prolong our healthy older adults in our lives. Whether it is grandma or grandpa, or a member of your community, this class will help with physical and mental health.
The Gallatin-City County Health Department is hosting a 12 week class. Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is totally free and a great way to stay on top of preventative health when it comes to daily tasks.

SAIL is a 12-week falls prevention fitness program designed for older adults that focuses on strength, balance, and mobility – reducing the risk of falls and improving overall quality of life. Classes meet for one hour twice a week and are taught by a qualified instructor.
The class takes place at the Belgrade Senior Center and starts August 10th.
If you or someone you know wants to get signed up for SAIL you can shoot an email to: hs@gallatin.mt.gov or call 406-582-3159.
This is a great opportunity to put the ones we love in the right hands and keep them healthy. Not only for us, but mainly for themselves. Plus, they might make a couple new friends just to add a cherry on top.
If you want to see what other classes and events are going on in the area, check out the Healthy Gallatin website below.
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