If you're going to be partying for St. Patrick's Day, we want want you to have fun! But please do it responsibly. Local law enforcement will be on alert with extra patrols throughout Gallatin County this St. Patrick’s Day weekend looking for those who are driving impaired. The Montana Highway Patrol will also be out statewide patrolling to deter and detect drunk drivers.

St. Patrick's Day is one of the deadliest holidays on our nation's roads. Montana law makes it illegal to drive with a .08 or higher blood alcohol level. if you are pulled over and found to be impaired, you will receive a DUI, get your license revoked, and possibly receive jail time and up to $10,000 in fines. The consequences are more severe for repeat offenders.

Please party safe this St. Patrick's Day weekend, and make sure you have a designated driver if you plan to drink.


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