Just THINKING About Trying On Swimsuits Makes Women Miserable
This doesn't surprise me. I don't try on swimsuits. I am very aware of what works and doesn't, so I just buy and hope for the best. Plus, I buy LOTS of cover-ups!
This new study found that, for women, even just imagining trying on swimsuits can increase a bad mood.
The reason, is because it increases feelings of self-objectification. This is a fancy work used by psychologists. It means that we imagine what other people might think of us and our bodies.
I think it should be called woman crazy. I am not judging, because I've suffered from woman crazy before. I think if we're honest, we all have! I've also suffered from what my sister calls reverse-anorexia. That's when I think I look really good even if I don't. Usually, seeing a picture of yourself jolts you back into reality.
I think women are way too hard on themselves. Just buy that swimsuit you want...and flaunt it!