Montana Sheriffs got together to issue a letter detailing their role in our current pandemic and how they will go about enforcing the governor's recent mask mandate. Earlier this week, Governor Steve Bullock made wearing a mask mandatory at most indoor settings like businesses, restaurants, and offices where social distancing is not possible.Click here to read the governor's directive.

On Friday, Sheriff's from across the state released a letter stating in part that, "The statewide face covering order is a public health directive. The Directive is not a mandate for law enforcement to issue citations and arrest violators."

Here is the letter in its entirety:

Credit: Gallatin Co Sheriff's Office
Credit: Gallatin Co Sheriff's Office

Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin joined Dave & Ally on the XL Morning Show to discuss a wide range of topics on July 15, 2020. Topics covered in the interview include:

  • Why Special Meeting with The Health Board was cancelled?
  • What was said after the meeting when he met with people?
  • If mask wearing is made mandatory, will Sheriff's Dept enforce it?
  • Will people with conceal carry get arrested?

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