It is one of my favorite times of the year! The times when we can give back as a community, where I can give back to the community. Bozeman's love and support for its non-profits, its schools, and the continuous generosity from one business to another is out of this world.

The Gallatin Valley Food Bank KidsPack Program has kicked off. August 9th through September 6th are some of the most important dates that should be on your radar. As sad as the facts are, the reality is that 1 out of 6 Montana children struggles with hunger. The KidsPack Program has the ability to provide nutritious and kid-friendly foods over the weekend, while school is in session. Lots of children go home hungry from school on Friday and have to wait until Monday to get another full meal. This should never be the case. Children should not have to worry about when they will have their next meal. This is where AMAZING organizations like The Gallatin Valley Food Bank step in.

Photo by Donna Spearman on Unsplash
Photo by Donna Spearman on Unsplash

The food drive that takes place at The Gallatin Valley Mall is what fills these KidsPack's. The KidsPack's are distributed to elementary-aged children across 21 schools in Gallatin, Madison, and Jefferson counties. On average this ends up being around 450 KidsPack's. Not only do these KidsPack bags support the children, it often helps with the overall food budget as a family.

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash
Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash

Here are the specifics you will need to know:
WHAT: Back to School Food Drive
WHEN: August 9th through September 6th
WHERE: Gallatin Valley Mall Guest Services (near Macy's)

You can make your donation even easier by donating from the KidsPack Wish List found here. For your donation, you will receive a voucher for a free taco from Taco Bell! Yum!

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