“How High Are You?” Bozeman Restaurant Offering Discount on 4/20.
Today is April the 20th, or as many people will refer to, "4/20". Some of you will have absolutely no idea what "4/20" means, while several of you will AND plan on participating.
For those of you unaware, "4/20" actually started in California back in 1971 with five high school students. Over the years, it has grown into a pretty big deal with rallies and parties celebrating the day.
So what about here in Bozeman?
Well, one doesn't have to go very far to smell the hippie lettuce. Whether it's walking downtown, at a grocery store, or even with a co-worker...if you know the smell, you know the smell.
"4/20" is such a big deal that a sandwich shop has decided to get in on the fun and depending on how high you, will determine the discount that you get today. Yep, the higher you are, the better the discount. So, you're thinking, "how do they determine that?" and "where exactly is this sandwich shop you speak of?"
Great questions.
First, I hate to burst some bubbles here, but the "How High Are You" promotion has nothing to do with the "Devil's Cabbage". Nope, the "How High Are You" promotion is based on your elevation. Jimmy John's is offering up a new twist this 4/20 buy giving you a discount based on your current elevation. All you need to do is go to the website Get High With Jimmy Johns and do the whole QR code to determine your elevation, which will then determine your discount.
(Sidenote: when I tried it with my phone, the website told me that I wasn't located in the United States, so hopefully you have better luck than I did)
There are a couple of Jimmy John's locations here in Bozeman and according to Google, our city's elevation is 4793 feet, so that should end up being a decent discount, right? Anyway, if you're a little low on funds OR you just want a tasty lunch or dinner, give it a shot.
Oh, and Happy 4/20 Day and be safe out there.
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