Home Is Where The Heart Is. Do Montanan’s Need To Calm Down?
I get it. Change is hard and we are constantly talking about it. Today I met a woman who moved here from...you guessed it, California. I'm not going to tell you her name, but I will tell you, she is wonderful.
We got to talking and I asked her the question that has been on my mind, "are people mean to you when they find out you are not "from here"?" Her answer was honest, it was real, and it was a bit sad.
In a nutshell, she said yes and no. She has had to "earn her keep" here, so to say. Volunteering with different outdoor groups, showing her passion for the outdoors, "proving" she is here because she loves nature. She loves the "flow of life" here.
She isn't alone, she has a small child and a hubby. Her kiddo LOVES the daycare she goes to and as a parent, that is so incredibly important. Plus, it keeps that daycare in business, right?
I told her, it's completely ridiculous that you need to "prove yourself" to anyone. We talked about how "California has ruined Bozeman". That is so untrue. There are people here from ALL over. I mean, just take a drive around town and you will see 10 plus different license plates from different states throughout the day.
So when is enough, enough? There are bad seeds in every state that move places and act like a bunch of turds. So can we either blame everyone the same or just let it go? Do our best to mind our p's and q's? Or no? We are entitled to our own opinions, so what is yours?