Hit & Run Involves Submarine in Four Corners
Most people know about the submarine on Jackrabbit Road outside Four Corners Auto. Not sure why there's a submarine there, but I always start singing, "We all live in a yellow submarine," from the Beatles' song when I drive by.
Well, on Thursday, May 10, at around 8:30 p.m., a Chevy van failed to negotiate the turn onto Forkhorn Trail and ran into the submarine. The good news is, the submarine only received minor damage, and the driver, reportedly under the influence of alcohol, was apprehended after he fled the scene. The Chevy proved to be no match for the sub, as the van suffered major damage.
Since he was under the influence, do you think he ran away because he freaked out believing he was driving under the ocean and somehow managed to hit a submarine? Perhaps he thought he saw a whale, and jerked the wheel, only to run into the submarine. Whatever happened, I bet he said to his passenger, "dude, did we really just run into a submarine?"
The driver was booked into Gallatin County Detention Center and charged with driving under the influence (3rd offense), driving with a suspended license, driving without insurance, and leaving the scene of an accident.
Authorities were not able to determine who the driver's favorite Beatle is. We're guessing his favorite song will not be "Yellow Submarine."
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