In the wake of the 2020 Presidential Election, millions of people are reportedly making the jump from Facebook to a relatively new social media platform called Parler. Parler was founded in 2018, and is viewed as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook, who many feel have been promoting one political party over another and clamping down on freedom of speech.

Parler says the following on their website:

Our goal is to provide all community members with a welcoming, nonpartisan Public Square. While the First Amendment does not apply to private companies such as Parler, our mission is to create a social platform in the spirit of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

We prefer that removing community members or member-provided content be kept to the absolute minimum. We prefer to leave decisions about what is seen and who is heard to each individual. In no case will Parler decide what will content be removed or filtered, or whose account will be removed, on the basis of the opinion expressed within the content at issue. Parler’s policies are, to use a well-known concept in First Amendment law, viewpoint-neutral.

Read Parler's full Community Guidelines by clicking here.

Like the big social media companies, you can engage on Parler via an app on your smartphone or on your computer. Instead of liking posts you "vote" for them, and rather than sharing a parley (Parler's name for a post) to your followers, you "echo" the parley.

According to an article at, Parler has become the most-downloaded app in the United States. Over the weekend, Parler was suffering from some sluggishness due to some two-million new members joining the platform.

XL County joined Parler in September. Follow us at @XLcountry.

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