Enjoy Breakfast With Dave & Ally and Win PBR VIP Tickets!
We have one pair of PBR VIP Preview tickets left, and since the PBR is in Livingston on Saturday night, we want to give away our last pair in Livingston.
Stop by and see Dave & Ally at Pinky's in downtown Livingston Thursday morning from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. The PBR VIP Preview tickets will get you:
- Behind the shoots to see the bulls up close before the performance.
- A one-on-one with a PBR rider before the event.
- A V.I.P dinner from Pinky's
- Reserved seating
The Livingston Classic PBR is Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. at the Park County Fairgrounds. Gates will open at 5:30 p.m. General admission tickets are on sale at LivingstonClassicPBR, com, Murdock's, and Spur Line.
In addition to giving away a PBR VIP Preview package, Dave & Ally will also have some general admission tickets to the Livingston Classic PBR to giveway at Pinky's. See you, Thursday morning, Park County.