Dillon Jaycees Rodeo Approved for Labor Day Weekend
Every year the Dillon Jaycees help close out the summer for Labor Day weekend with a parade, rodeo, and concert. The Beaverhead County/City Board of Health announced Friday, July 17th, that the Annual Montana’s Biggest Weekend Rodeo and Beaverhead County Fair hare approved for Labor Day weekend. However, the concert and carnival will not be permitted.
The Dillon Jaycees are aiming to make it "Montana’s ~Safest~ Biggest Weekend" and stated in a release:
We would like to thank the Board of Health for working with us and allowing us the opportunity to meet with them and we will continue to work with them as we move forward. Again, the Rodeo has been approved and though there will be some changes for 2020 we will work tirelessly to make it a safe event for the community.
Montana's "Biggest Weekend" is a long tradition for Dillon and this year they announced the Eli Young Band. There will be some changes for the upcoming event and they plan to make it a safe event for the community. Tickets are not yet available for purchase.
As part of the Beaverhead County Fair, the 4-H will be doing a virtual sale.