Congratulations, It’s a Giraffe! April Finally Gives Birth, The Internet Reacts
It's an early Easter miracle! After months of waiting for Animal Adventure Park's famed April the giraffe to give birth to her fourth calf, the world was blessed, via live-stream from upstate New York, with an introduction to the proud mama's wobbly newborn at around 9:55 a.m. on April 15. (Yes, April gave birth in April. It's all very on brand.)
April, who seemed just about ready to pop for the past few weeks (giraffe pregnancies actually last 15 months, oof), finally went into labor early Saturday morning. While the calf has not been named yet, some who viewed the precious event are calling for the little one to be called Diamond—the birthstone of April.
Watch a stream of April tending to her new baby, below:
While countless April fans on Twitter celebrated the precious moment with heartwarming messages of congratulations and awe, some were shocked to witness the raw nature of the animal's birth—amniotic fluid and all—and others simply couldn't help but poke fun at the extreme dramatization of an event which technically takes place all over the world, every day.
Below, see some of the funniest reactions to April the giraffe's baby's birth from social media, below:
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