Celebrate National Trails Day By Helping Clean the Gallatin Regional Park
June 3rd from 8:30 a.m. to noon, a bunch of outdoor-loving folk will gather to help maintain trails in Gallatin Regional Park. The Main Street to the Mountains, as it were.
You can volunteer tomorrow morning to help Gallatin Valley Land Trust build and maintain the trail system. It's free and open to all ages and abilities. You can help with planting trees, trail resurfacing, light construction on the bike pump track, spreading wood chips, picking up trash, helping with invasive weed control, and mulching existing trees.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., work crews will head out around 9 a.m., and projects wrap up with a free lunch at noon. Take sunscreen, water, layers for weather, sturdy shoes, hat and gloves. GVLT will have some tools but additional shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows will be helpful. Please make sure to labels any tools you bring from home.
Visit www.gvlt.org for more information.