Bozeman Area Ski Resorts: What To Expect And When To Expect It.
Here we are, it's December in Montana. Christmas decorations are up, Holiday songs are on the radio, and boys and girls are making out their lists for everyone's favorite Jolly Old Elf.
Soon Santa will deliver all kinds of shiny new presents for all of those good boys and girls out there. Ski equipment is always a popular item under the tree around here, and I'm guessing this year won't be any different.
What is different is the weather.
Yesterday in Bozeman it was over 60 degrees. 60 degrees in December is more like Florida weather, not Montana weather and while it may be beginning to look a lot like Christmas, it's certainly not feeling like it.
So what about the ski season? When can folks expect to hit the area slopes? Is it ever going to snow? Will we all be in shorts and t-shirts for Christmas? All great questions, and while I don't have all of the answers, I can give you an update on a couple of those questions.
For those of you that have been counting down the days, I've got some good news for you. Big Sky opened this past weekend and Bridger Bowl is projected to open on the 10th of this month. (Next Friday). Plus, if you don't mind driving a couple of hours each way, Maverick Mountain west of Dillon is open as well.
Of course, the depth of the snow isn't where most folks would like it, but the temps at the top of the mountains are above freezing. So it's kind of a glass half full or half empty approach right now. I mean, skiing in 44 degrees isn't horrible. Plus, a day on the slopes certainly beats a day at the office.
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