Montana’s Annual Coat Drive Is Ready For You! Details Below!
Every year Bob Ward's teams up with its Bozeman Community and holds its annual coat drive! This year is going to be the BIGGEST and BEST one yet! The last thing any person should have to worry about is whether they have a coat that is going to be warm enough for them, their kids, or anyone in the community.
"GGUW will be distributing the coats to organizations working with our most vulnerable neighbors, including the Warming Center and Family Promise." -Sylvia Drain
This year the LOCAL Charity that will be receiving the gently used coats is Greater Gallatin United Way. Time is of the essence and people are in need, especially with these cold temps among us.
Montana gets cold, we all know that, and whether you are from here or not, the financial struggle for some is beyond their control. So we, as a community need to rally together and make sure that everyone is safe.
One way we can do this is to go through our closets, our "winter boxes", our "too small" section of our kid's gear and donate. Kids grow fast and instead of letting their gently used winter jacket from last year collecting dust, just bring it into Bob Ward's. Not only are you giving another family a blessing, but you will also receive a coupon for 10% off.
Bob Ward's is a big contributor in Bozeman, and this coat drive literally can save a life. Harsh Montana winters mean bundling up and keeping our community safe. The donations that are received will be washed and distributed to a local nonprofit and delivered throughout our community.
Starting November 8th and going through December 17th you can stop in at Bob Ward's and give back to your community. Just in time for the holidays. "Share The Warmth This Holiday Season".
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