A Montana Tree With Purple Paint? Here’s What You Need To Know.
Montana has tens of millions of trees and millions of acres that people can enjoy whether it be hiking, hunting, or camping.
With over 30 million acres available for the public, one-third of the state is owned by either the federal government or the state of Montana. So if you're looking to be outdoors, you have options.
Of course, there are things that you need to do for your safety. Depending on the time of year, you're going to want to make sure you're prepared to deal with whatever you might encounter. Water, food, bear spray, and a few other items are a must

However, if you find yourself out in the woods and come across a tree with purple paint, you might want to go back to where you came from. Several states around the United States have the Purple Paint Law, and according to World Population Review, the law is recognized here in Montana.
So what does purple paint on a tree or fence mean?
It means that you're trespassing and unless you have permission from the landowner, it's probably best that you turn around and go the other way. What penalty do you face if convicted of trespassing in the state? According to Montana Law, if found trespassing in Montana, you could face the following:
"A person convicted of the offense of criminal trespass to property shall be fined not to exceed $500 or be imprisoned in the county jail for any term not to exceed 6 months, or both."
Not to mention, depending on the landowner, you might be greeted in a not-so-friendly way and end up looking at the wrong side of a firearm, which is certainly not what you want to do.
So before you end up going out and enjoying all of the great outdoor activities we have here in Montana, make sure that you aren't heading someplace that you don't have permission to be.
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