Folks have been bringing this issue up lately, and improving a certain aspect of Bozeman could be a huge addition to our great city. 

Bozeman is a place that is a beacon for the outdoor community. During the winter there are ski mountains, backcountry fun, snowmobiling, and in the summer there are trails, beautiful parks, and even fantastic dog parks. Bozeman has put a lot into making sure there are places for citizens to explore and enjoy the city, but there is one thing Bozeman can improve on. 

Bozeman needs to build a top-class skate park for our community, and there is a lot of pull for it. We have the skate park at Kirk Park and the small ramp off of Mendenhall, but it's not enough. The skate park at Kirk Park is a decent size, but with Bozeman growing at a constant rate and a larger park is needed desperately. 

Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan via Unsplash
Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan via Unsplash

Bozeman has a large community of skaters and bikers Bozeman that craves a better skate park. Bozeman should heavily consider building a bigger skate park. Maybe they could add to the skate park at Kirk Park or dedicate a big piece of land to develop into an incredible skate park. 

Now, some folks might be against this because the warm months can tend to be short in Montana, but if you drive by either skate park you will see kids there skating in forty-degree weather having the time of your life. Plus, this is a great way for kids to get outside and meet other like-minded individuals. 

So let's make Bozeman even better. 

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