When? Where? What Time? Epic Return of The Montana Fireworks Show
The controversy about the whole banning of fireworks inside city limits has ruffled some feathers, but with all of that set-aside, the show shall still go on.
With numerous sponsors like the Armory Hotel, Murdoch's, and several banks from the area, the plan is to put on 25-minute fireworks show for all to enjoy. They plan to have the show take place at the Bozeman Softball Fields. The show plans to start at 10 PM on the 4th of July.
Everyday Health came out with a list of 5 ways to help yourself or someone you know, cope when fireworks are in full force.
1. Remind Yourself You Are Not In Danger. As much as we love our fireworks, we have to consider our Veterans and what the sounds of the fireworks can do for their mental health.
2. Schedule Enjoyable and Meaningful Activities During the Fireworks Season. Taking our minds off of what is going on around us, during any uncomfortable situation, is sometimes the best thing we can do. Try and avoid any triggering situations.
3. Breathe Deeply and Slowly. This is good advice for all of us. Trust me, I use it daily with my co-workers alone.
4. Avoid Avoidance. Some experts say you have to face your anxieties head-on. Retrain your brain.
5. Prioritize Your Mental Health. Your mental health will always be #1. You have to keep in mind that if you are not where you need to be mentally, you will not be able to heal.
Some of us love fireworks! I still remember the first time I watched the movie Sandlot, and it gave me chills. The music behind the event made it one of the most classic parts of the film.
cc: Everyday Health