We are counting the days until the premiere of season 4 of the hit television drama "Yellowstone." Season 4 is going to be extra special for us Montana fans of the show. As the show was filmed entirely here in western Montana. I can already tell that I am going to be paying more attention to the sets and backdrops more than ever before in my tv viewing career. Pointing out familiar landmarks and businesses. Possibly even familiar faces as extras in the show. But, more than anything, I am excited to see some of our favorite characters from the show return to Montana. After the way season 3 ended, we are still concerned with which characters will return. According to the latest trailer for season 4, I can rest assured that one of my favorites will be retuning. I'm talking about non other than Rip Wheeler (a.k.a Cole Hauser.")

In an interview this past Spring with Kathryn Hall, Cole Hauser (Rip) announced that he is excited to begin filming season 5 in Montana. That is right, filming of season 5 is underway in Montana. Long before we even set our eyes on season 4.

A fun fact that we learned while watching Cole's interview, was that he has roots in Montana that go all the way back to the beginning of the state. As an actor from Los Angeles, many Montana locals like to comment "go back to your home, we don't want you here." Well it turns out Cole Hauser may be more Montanan than most of us. Turns out his family heritage goes all the way back to his Great Grandfather.  Samuel Thomas Hauser was one of Montana's first Governors. Who held the office of Governor from 1885 to 1887.

Governor Hauser was kind of a big deal, so much so that they even named a Missouri River dam and lake after him. That's right, one of my favorite fishing spots in the state is named after Rip Wheeler's great Grandpa.

Watch following clip starting at 6min mark.

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