What Are Your Favorite Christmas Songs? [Poll Question]
We've had our share of serious poll questions this year, so we thought we would have fun this week and ask you something that will hopefully put a smile on your face. What Are Your Favorite Christmas Songs? Please answer our poll question below. You can choose as many songs as you like.
Have you ever wondered how long people have been singing Christmas songs? According to WhyChristmas.com, the first Christmas carol was written back in the middle ages. Although we don't have its title, part of the song apparently still remains, and the carol's message is about Mary & Joseph and some of the people they met in Bethlehem.
Here's something you may not know about a few of your favorite Christmas songs and stories.
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Rudolph made his debut in an advertisement for Montgomery Wards. Wanting a book they could sell at Christmas time. One of their admen reportedly got the story's idea by watching the fog lift off of Lake Michigan.
Rumor also has it that Gene Autry recorded his song "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" in one take at the end of a very long day recording other songs, and that's the version we listen to every Christmas.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
One of the song's writers, Hugh Martin, is said to have thrown away the song after it was completed. Luckily, his writing partner made him fish it out of the trash.
White Christmas
The famous Christmas song actually made its debut not in the movie White Christmas, but in another Bing Crosby film called Holliday Inn. It was written by Irving Berlin, who also wrote "God Bless America."