Bullying in Montana schools is not new but the problem is getting worse. Parents are desperately seeking guidance on what to do when their child is being bullied since "normal channels" don't seem to be working.
Will we be any good at being parents? Will it come naturally, or will we have to work at it? Will we automatically love the child, or does it take some time? Will we ever get to sleep again?
Asking our kids questions is so important. A local nurse and I had a conversation about how well we know our kiddos. So, I started with the basics. You can too
This rally comes on the heels of Bozeman School District Superintendent Bob Connors releasing his recommendation earlier this week proposing a fully blended model for school this fall.
If you're a parent, you've probably been there. You're out, your kid has a "blowout" and you're caught totally unprepared. Someone in Bozeman totally gets it. That's why she felt compelled to leave a care package at the Smith's grocery store to help other mamas stuck in the same situation.