Protests Over Supreme Court Leak Continue, How Do Montanans Feel?
All across the county, and here in Montana, people are gathering to protest a "leak" that took place regarding the Supreme Court and the possibility of overturning Roe Vs Wade. Roe Vs Wade is possibly the most famous court case in the history of the United States Judicial System.
In January of 1973, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 in favor of giving women the right to abortion. It has been a hot button for millions of folks ever since putting people on either the "Pro-Choice" or the "Pro-Life" side of things. In fact, according to data from ABC the majority of Americans support abortion rights.
In a poll taken this week, 54 percent of Americans say that the Supreme Court should uphold Roe Vs Wade, and the data states that 58 percent of Americans say that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
So, what do Montanans think about all of this?
Montana is considered a "Red" state and outside of places like Bozeman and Missoula, is considered pretty conservative. So, how do we feel about all of this? Do Montanan's line up with the data that ABC News is presenting? Are the majority of Montanans in favor of upholding Roe Vs Wade? Do Montanans feel like abortion should be legal in all or most cases?
We've created a poll that will allow you to vote in an anonymous way and let your feeling be known on the subject and see how Montanans line up with the rest of the country regarding the topic. It's certainly something that people on both sides of the subject are passionate about and is often a factor in how people vote and the candidates that they support, as well as the political party they identify with.
Please feel free to vote in the poll below.