Operation Blue Light Thank You From Dave & Amy
We are just now coming up for air after Operation Blue Light. What an amazing event that seemed to have a life of its own and turned out to be something larger than either Amy or myself ever anticipated or imagined. And its largeness was not about how many blue lights were picked up (17,000) by people all over the state of Montana but from what placing those lights outside their homes and businesses meant for so many people.
Everyone had a different reason for participating in Operation Blue Light and that was part of its beauty. Some people have a loved one in law enforcement, others wanted to honor Deputy Mason Moore after his tragic death, and there were others who wanted to show their appreciation for those men and women who put on a uniform and keep us safe. For one day, we were all united in purpose and for something that was pure and good, even though we all joined with a different intent.
Yes, the idea started with Amy, and through the XL Morning Show we were able to be a focal point to help organize and publicize the event. But nothing would have happened without people actually stopping by to pick up a blue light. Nothing would have happened if businesses and individuals wouldn't have donated their time and money to buy and then distribute the lights all over the state of Montana.
Operation Blue Light was a success because of you. And really, I hate to even term it a success because that is a judgement. The entire endevour was not about trying to succeed at something but rather just give people an opportunity to participate if they felt moved to do so. And boy, did they!
From the bottom of our hearts, Amy and I would like to say "thanks" one more time to everyone who was a part of Operation Blue Light. And please know that if that was you, law enforcement appreciates the fact that you are now shining those blue lights outside your homes. We have received a number of messages from law enforcement personnel and they truly are thankful to see those blue lights on their shift.
XL Nation, you never cease to amaze us!
Dave & Amy
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