Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend
If you've looked outside lately at night the moon is definitely having a shining moment. But it's about to be out of the way just in time for the Perseid Meteor Shower. The meteor shower happens every year and the best time to see meteors this year is August 11 through 13. Sky gazers should see 60 to 70 meteors per hour according to This year it's an extra bonus that the moonlight won't interfere since the moon will be near it's new moon phase and will be in a crescent, limiting the amount of additional light in the sky.
Here's what you need to know:
- Will be in the Northeast part of the sky
- Meteors will streak outwards above the Perseus constellation
- Meteors will start after midnight
- The best viewing will be before dawn on Monday, August 13
- While you're looking at the night sky you'll also be able to see Mars and Saturn