If You Missed the 1:40 Cash Code, Here it Is
Our apologies for having an app streaming issue today right when we were supposed to give you the 1:40 p.m. Cash Code for $1000. We're not sure if the coronavirus was to blame, or the hamster that generates our power decided to take his water break. Whatever the reason, we sincerely apologize. We did send out a notification with the Cash Code, and we re-gave it at 4:40 p.m today, but just in case, we're going to provide it for you here: POOL
If you haven't been listening for the Cash Codes to Dave & Ally's $1000 Stimulus Package, you now have an easy one to get started. Just put in POOL using the stimulus button on the XL Country app. It could win you $1000!
Here's How to Play & Win $1000 3x a Day
with Dave & Ally's $10,000 Stimulus Package
- Listen to XL Country for the Cash Codes at 7:40, 1:40, and 4:40 every weekday
- Put in the Cash Code Dave & Ally give you using the Stimulus Button on the XL Country app.
- You can win $1000 with each Cash Code - That's $3000 we give away each weekday!
- BONUS: Every Cash Code you put in is an entry for our Grand Prize of $10,000
Have Fun & Good Luck!
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