Fall, Fabulous Fall: What Is Your Favorite Fall Activity?
I love the Fall. It's by far my favorite season. I love the crisp mornings and cooler temps through the day, I love the colors of the trees changing, it just makes me happy.
Fall in Montana is beautiful and while we might not get the massive love that places in the Northeast get, (I'm talking about you Vermont) I wouldn't trade ours for anything. So when I look at this weeks forecast for Bozeman and the surrounding areas, I get a little excited because these cooler temperatures remind me that Fall is just around the corner.
In anticipation of my favorite season, I thought I would come up with a list by asking my friends what their favorite things about Fall are.
So, without further ado..."The Best Things About Fall According to Derek's Friends"
My buddy Chris says "Hunting". Aww, yes, nothing says Fall better than fresh jerky and game that has been locally harvested. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
My childhood friend Sonya says for her, it's "the colors". It's one of my favorites as well. Especially as you drive around and see that extra pop that makes our already beautiful city, even more special.
Shane said "Football". He actually said Chiefs Football and I couldn't agree more. As a die-hard Chiefs fan, Fall means Sunday Gameday. However, let's not forget about MSU Bobcat Football on Saturdays and Blue and Gold Fridays!
Several of my female friends said "Hoodies, Sweaters, and Boots". I'm really not into the whole fashion thing, but I know this is a huge deal for a whole lot of people. I do however appreciate a good scarf.
Billie said "Clean Air and Less Allergies". It has certainly been a doozy for bad air and allergies this summer in Bozeman, I, for one am ready to put down my Flonase.
Of course, there always has to be a party pooper and that goes to Gary who stated "Nothing, I want Summer all year long" Well, move to Arizona, Gary. Seriously.
So, what is your favorite thing(s) about Fall?