I literally have no regrets from college.  I had FUN.  I made life-long friends, I took advantage of every fun activity SW Montana has to offer, and even managed to sneak a little studying in.  Met the love of my life there, too!

A new survey asked people to name their biggest regret from college . . . and 5% regret how little they experimented with sex and drugs.  Really???

48% of people say they wish they'd STUDIED more.

40% wish they'd done more NETWORKING.

4% wish they'd HAD MORE SEX . . . and 1% wish they'd DONE MORE DRUGS.

The survey also asked parents to name the LAST thing they'd want to hear their son or daughter was doing in college.

25% said "making FAKE IDs" . . . 24% said "set a record for Jell-O shots" . . . 20% said "hosted a sex ed class in their dorm room" . . . 10% said "broke an ankle streaking" . . . and 8% said "had a farm animal in their dorm room."


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