Nick Northern moved to Montana in 2000 and has made Great Falls his radio home ever since. A fan of music, but unable to play an instrument, Nick felt radio was the way to stay connected to music. When Nick is not on the air you'll find him enjoying his time with his wife and two children, rooting for the Grizzlies, and enjoying all the splendor that is Montana.
Nick Northern
Montana’s Everyday Phrases That Actually Happen To Be Racist
There are certain phrases used today that seem innocent, but the history behind the phrases have a very racist beginning.
So Good! 25 Unsurpassed Locations For Prime Rib In Montana
Find the best places to get a prime rib meal.
FBI Issues Jugging Warning: The 2 Minute Video Every Montanan Needs To See
What is "Jugging" and how to prevent being a victim of it.
Let’s See Some Of The Most Celebrated Olympians From Montana
Take a look at some of the best Olympics athletes from Montana.
Scary: It’s The Most Snake Infested Lakes In Montana
See the most #1 snake infested lake in Montana.
Come On Get Happy: Montana’s 10 Happiest Cities
What Montana city is ranked as the happiest in the state?
These 3 Pops Are Now Banned Forever In Montana
These pops have just been banned in Montana
A Big Change Is Coming To Amazon Deliveries In Montana
Amazon has announced a big change to their packages coming soon.
A Massive New Dinosaur Has Been Found In Montana
Learn about the newest dinosaur discovery in Montana
Montana Police Are Cracking Down On These Violations
Cops are on the look out for these violations
Items Worth Big Bucks At Garage And Yard Sales In Montana
Find some treasures at garage and yard sales in Montana
Do You Know Who Is The Richest Musician From Montana?
Who is the richest musician from Montana?