5 New Cases Of COVID-19 in Gallatin County
The Gallatin City-County Health Department reports that Gallatin County added five more cases to its total on Wednesday. That brings the total number of COVID-19 cases to 24 in Gallatin County, which is more than one-third of the state total. Overall, Montana has confirmed 65 cases of the coronavirus.
According to the health department, all Gallatin County cases consist of community transmission, close contact, and travel related history. It is important to note there have been zero deaths.
The GCCHD reminds residents that social distancing remains the most critical action the community can take to slow the spread of COVID-19.
That means:
● Limiting contact with groups of people, whether you’re sick or not, and maintaining social
distancing when in public as much as possible.
● Staying home whenever possible, except for your essential needs.
● Self-isolating when you are sick, even with mild symptoms.
● Frequently washing your hands with soap and water, and regularly cleaning and disinfecting
frequently touched surfaces.
● Work from home if possible.
● Self-quarantine for 14 days if you’ve recently returned home from international travel.
The Gallatin City-County Health Department Call Center is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions about COVID-19. Reach the Call Center by phone at 406-548-0123 or email at callcenter@readygallatin.com.