3 Of Montana’s Favorite Must-See Pumpkin Patches.
Sweater weather is just around the corner...hopefully. These hot summer days are getting to be a bit much if I am being honest! I mean, football shouldn't be going on with 100 degree temps in the background. It's time for chili, oversized sweaters, pumpkin spice (yes I said it), and of course...pumpkin patches.
If you are new to the state, you will learn that pumpkins don't necessarily grow the best here. We have unpredictable weather; sometimes a very long winter and sometimes a hot dry summer (like this year). Pumpkins need to have at least 6 hours of direct sunlight along with good soil and lots of water.
Finding a pumpkin patch for you or the kiddos in Montana is a bit of a struggle, but we've got three for you to try out. Just make sure to call in advance so you can plan the perfect pumpkin picking date.
ROCKY CREEK FARMS. Every late September through Halloween they host their pumpkin patch AND hayrides. They sell out of pumpkins quickly so make sure to follow their Facebook page to see when the fun begins! They also have apple picking, along with other delicious fruits. Send them a message to see what other fun things you can plan for your visit!
JOHNSON'S PUMPKIN PATCH. You will get a little bit of everything here. Plants, flowers, vegetables of all sorts, and of course "pick your own pumpkins". A fun day trip to the state capitol isn't complete without a stop here.
TURNER FARMS. Ok, we may be a bit "anti-Griz" here in Bozeman, but we are definitely not "anti-have a good time." Head over to Missoula for this annual event that everyone seems to love. If you haven't been to it, this is the year to get it in the books! (GO CATS GO).
Now that you have your late September planned, watch for the Corn Maze/Halloween Events coming up next!
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