You could easily make this an event at several Montana ski resorts, and I feel you would have a lot of participants. 

Montana is a great state filled with people who want to make their fun any time of the year. We have sporting events that you can only see or expect in Montana, from skijoring, barstool races, donkey basketball, and more. There is one sport that I found out that exists that would be a massive hit in Montana. 

If you don't know, most of Montana's ski season is coming to a close, and every resort and ski area has been hosting end-of-the-year parties. This event usually cumulates in either a pond skim or a party. Pond skims are a wild event to watch. You have people in crazy costumes trying to ski across a small man-made pond in front of hundreds of people. It's a massive party. 

What if, instead of a pond skim, ski areas and ski resorts should host a series of kayak races on their mountains. You might be asking, how do you hold kayak races on a ski mountain during the winter? Well, watch this TikTok video. 

@_m_utt Kayak races at @monarchmountain today!! #skitok #kayak #skiing #rad #racing #snow ♬ Heads Will Roll - A-Trak Remix Radio Edit - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Credit:megz via TikTok

Doesn't this look like an absolute blast of a time? Whether you're competing or a spectator, kayak races on a mountain look exhilarating. 

If you could get a few Montana ski areas that host pond skims or don't have end-of-the-year parties, they could easily set this up. Plus, being a state like Montana, most folks have a kayak probably lying around they can use. 

Who wouldn't want to see kayak races at Bridger Bowl or Big Sky Resort? 

Five Ski Areas You Should Check Out This Winter

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